by Nicholas Wilton | May 22, 2022 |
We all experience obstacles and limitations that can hold us back from making our art. It could be a lack of time, having enough space to make our art, or even thinking that we’ll never be good enough. We can so easily believe we need to resolve all the issues before...
by Nicholas Wilton | Mar 27, 2022 |
The news can feel heartbreaking. I try to live and teach that to keep making our best art, we need to keep our focus on the internal instead of the external news. Paying attention to how we are feeling, what inspires, and what brings us alive is truly helpful....
by Nicholas Wilton | Feb 27, 2022 |
One thing is essential in your Art. It pretty much guarantees your progress. It can be lost but also, thankfully, quickly found, especially when we are reminded of it, which is the whole point of this Sunday’s vlog. You might have already guessed, but I am...